Thursday, 20 August 2015

Little Red Riding Hood

We have been learning to use present participles in our writing.
Skipping to her Grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood met a drab wolf. “Well, I’m on my way, bye."
Rattling on the amber door, the bristly wolf opened it. He had an idea. He got changed into grandma’s pyjamas, and jumped into bed.
I bought you some divine cookies, Grandma,” Little Red Riding Hood remarked, then she commented, “What bulky ears you have."
"They are better to hear with. RRRR!”

A man came in and killed the wolf.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Sports Day

We have been learning to use present participles in our writing.
Coming out from behind the creamy white clouds, the sun shone reaching its endless rays out.
Warming up with my friends, I threw the ball well. Running into my position, we got ready to play.
The whistle blew. I shouted. “Piper over here!” but the other team caught it.

Helping defend the ball, I nearly caught it.